
VRC観戦モード (VR Spectator Freecam)【Udonワールドギミック】

VRC観戦モードはUDONで作られたVRChat用のワールドギミックです。 三人称視点でワールド内にいるプレイヤーとオブジェクトを観戦できるようになるます。ワールド作者向けのメソッドを用意しました(観戦可能オブジェクト・プレイヤーを追加・削除、三人称視点機能を制限する) 用意されたサンプルワールドでこの商品を体験できます https://www.vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_ada6da7b-7fa4-4081-8fd8-4d40591f7a88 ※内容に差異が発生した場合、英語の説明欄を適応致します。 *In case of any differences in the description, English version will be applied. VR Spectator Freecam is an Udon prefab for VRChat that allow world creators to add 3rd person abilities to their worlds. It allow players to not only view themselves in 3rd person, but also spectate other players and objects in the instance. It is both desktop and VR compatible and supports Japanese and English. World creators can also control exactly what objects and players can be spectated and when third person and free camera functions become available to the player or not. You can test and try out this prefab before you buy by visiting this demo world in VRChat: https://www.vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_ada6da7b-7fa4-4081-8fd8-4d40591f7a88 ●English description continues down below●

VRC観戦モードはUDONで作られたVRChat用のワールドギミックです。 三人称視点でワールド内にいるプレイヤーとオブジェクトを観戦できるようになるます。ワールド作者向けのメソッドを用意しました(観戦可能オブジェクト・プレイヤーを追加・削除、三人称視点機能を制限する) 用意されたサンプルワールドでこの商品を体験できます https://www.vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_ada6da7b-7fa4-4081-8fd8-4d40591f7a88 ※内容に差異が発生した場合、英語の説明欄を適応致します。 *In case of any differences in the description, English version will be applied. VR Spectator Freecam is an Udon prefab for VRChat that allow world creators to add 3rd person abilities to their worlds. It allow players to not only view themselves in 3rd person, but also spectate other players and objects in the instance. It is both desktop and VR compatible and supports Japanese and English. World creators can also control exactly what objects and players can be spectated and when third person and free camera functions become available to the player or not. You can test and try out this prefab before you buy by visiting this demo world in VRChat: https://www.vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_ada6da7b-7fa4-4081-8fd8-4d40591f7a88 ●English description continues down below●










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